Yes, it’s true.
The Uwchlan BOS Chairman, moved his family virtually ONTO the pipeline After assuming office - The move occurred October, 2018.
The Chairman’s move is a matter of public record as per the Recorder of Deeds. The property transaction took place in October 2018, nine months after the Chairman, Ms. Mayme Baumann, and Dr. Kim Doan assumed office.

Here’s the story.
In brief recap, the current BOS accused the previous BOS of being negligent concerning the pipeline. They told residents of Uwchlan Township that they refused to enforce local ordinance 2014-16 to stop it. The previous Board did not enforce the ordinance, however, because it couldn’t be enforced! The pipeline was and still is a matter of the state. Baumann and Miller knew it – It’s on record from the September 2017 BOS Meeting minutes. Click HERE to read more.
The week before the election in 2017, Uwchlan Township residents were asked by Baumann and Miller if they wanted THIS:

Uwchlan said NO!
Then after being elected the BOS Chairman moved his family virtually onto the Pipeline nine months later. YES, you heard correctly - The Uwchlan BOS Chairman moved his family virtually ONTO what has been described by the Sierra Club, Food & Water Watch, and local anti-pipeline activists as hazardous, dangerous, and as a “weapon of mass destruction” -- The Chairman clearly doesn’t believe his very own campaign promise, and neither does Baumann and Doan!
As far as stopping the pipeline is concerned - Three months after Baumann, Doan, and Miller assumed office, they walked back on their only campaign promise – stopping the pipeline through enforcing the ordinance. They also did not implement Resolution 2017-25 (Originally Homeowners Bill of Rights), a piece of legislation considered as “revolutionary” with bipartisan backing headed towards implementation across multiple townships.
Let that sink in!
The Chairman’s move, however, gets more interesting. As noted in The Inquirer editorial the Chairman got a bargain on the 8-acre property – After it had been significantly reduced.
The Inquirer also doesn’t hesitate to note both the price drop to Mrs. Miller's surprise, as well as the fact that the Miller’s now enjoy using the house to host Democratic Party events. The story itself screams an arrogant “Gotcha! You fell for it!” to voters of Chester and Delaware Counties located in areas with real problems from pipeline construction. Especially since this BOS has delivered nothing of consequence to relieve residents dealing with pipeline problems, the whole situation smells to high heaven!
Click HERE to read the article.

This is all a BIG DECEPTIVE LIE told by Baumann, Miller, and Doan and our state officials that turned the pipeline into a tool of public manipulation – It is sheer hypocrisy and a mockery to our community! – AND may we add NOT a word from the Uwchlan Safety Coalition - GREEN followers. Do we dare wonder what Food & Water Watch has to say about Miller’s good fortune at the expense of their investment in advancing green policies?
There was something much larger going on behind the scenes in 2017 and it continues, now:
In 2017 Food and Water Watch (FWW) funded a campaign for Baumann and Miller. They paid for signs and materials and door knocking. Ultimately, Baumann, Miller and Doan were put into office by means of the political arm of Food & Water Watch, Food & Water Action a Washington, D.C. based special interest group funded by George Soros focused on promoting left-wing progressive policies targeting specific townships in order to work from the local level on up in the attempt of establishing political control to push a socialist agenda – Take a look, it’s evident by the Food & Water Action FaceBook page – read their thread (“Millennial Socialists are Coming” – Look at the profiles of their followers).
Baumann and Miller did not even know anything about the ME 2 Pipeline before May 2017 when they decided to run (Video below). Note that Miller says on camera that he and Baumann just wanted to run and give voters a choice but knew little about the pipeline. They lied and used the pipeline as political leverage to stoke fear, anxiety, and anger in our community to create political and financial opportunity for themselves and outide special interest.
How credible is Food & Water Watch and Food & Water Action? What is their real agenda if they don’t care that the Uwchlan Board of Supervisors Chairman, supposedly an anti-pipeline anti-fossil fuel advocate and a key promoter of green policies, moved from being FURTHER away to being CLOSER to the “dangerous/ hazardous, environmentally threatening ME 2 Pipeline.”
Uwchlan Township has a Board of Supervisors which sits on a lie – A BIG LIE.
Mayme Baumann and Kim Doan are the Chief Enablers of this hypocritical Lie!
All the while, Baumann and Doan sit silently in BOS meetings while Chairman Miller does all of the talking, as they know nothing and have no power, say or influence - Baumann, and Doan are puppets to Miller, Mr. Freed the Solicitor (from an outside no-name law firm in Bucks County”) and the money behind him. Baumann and Doan are accomplices with this BIG LIE.
Where’s the outrage from Baumann, Miller and Doan supporters?
Uwchlan Residents, you were bought by Food & Water Watch and Food & Water Action and duped in the 2017 municipal election by Miller, Baumann, and Doan!
The truth is, Baumann and Doan are unqualified and have let special interest buy their ticket to a government office.
Baumann and Doan have done NOTHING for residents who are facing problems involving the pipeline!
Uwchlan deserves better – Local officials work for residents, not for causes!
Uwchlan has the opportunity to rectify this situation on November 5th by electing both Heather Forcine-Dunghe and Alex Thigpen for Uwchlan Township Supervisors.
With their combined backgrounds in business, legislation, economic development, and civic engagement, Heather and Alex have the experience, know-how, and motivation to protect Uwchlan residents through implementing Resolution 2017-25 and prevent future pipeline issues. Heather and Alex also see Uwchlan as MORE THAN THE PIPELINE.
Many changes are coming at us; Uwchlan is ill-prepared. We need to address urban sprawl, rapid development, traffic, and speeding, protect open space through proper zoning and address our stormwater management issues.
Uwchlan needs and deserves real servant leaders, not hypocrites, bought by special interest, which escalate and leverage crisis, fear, and unrest to make way for the opportunity of personal gain at the expense of our home.
We know this is A LOT to take in and we are sorry to have to even have to share this information – Truly. But, this is whole situation is WRONG!
The current BOS is NOT LEGITIMATE!
They need to be voted OUT!
Please vote for our respected and qualified candidates who KNOW and LOVE Uwchlan Township on Tuesday, November 5th.