The May 2019 primary election revealed the sad truth to Uwchlan Township, Chester County residents; the leaders of the Uwchlan Democratic Committee are out of touch and beholden to left-wing special interests out of Washington and New York. How can we say this? It has become evident that the Uwchlan Township Democratic Committee chose to sacrifice one of its own, Chester County Commissioner Kathi Cozzone, to support one issue, inexperienced, fringe candidate - More on that in a later.
It is not often that The Uwchlan Republican Committee will stand up for or praise a Democratic official. However, Ms. Cozzone is a responsible leader who you could trust, understand issues, and has had the best interest of the community at heart. For over ten years she had served the people of our county with dignity and pride, rising to become the President of the County Commissioners Association of PA (CCAP), where she represents our county on the CCAP, as well as the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania through the National Association of Counties. Let that sink in! Our very own Uwchlan resident represents all 67 counties of this Commonwealth on the national stage. But the powers that be in the Uwchlan Democratic Committee chose to throw that all away and endorsed Ginny Kerslake from West Whiteland Township.
The County Democrats were only able to garner enough votes to endorse one candidate for commissioner (Mr. Maxwell), leaving individual (lower) committees to endorse whom they wished for the second commissioner seat. One would think it’d be a no brainer; the Uwchlan Democratic Committee would certainly endorse its member, Ms. Kathi Cozzone. But that didn’t happen. The Uwchlan Democratic Committee thought that inexperienced Ginny Kerslake would be a better leader for you and me than Commissioner, Ms. Kathi Cozzone. After all, Ms. Kerslake was the darling of the Food & Water Action Committee (special interest). What you may not realize though is that Ms. Kerslake could not get the endorsement of her home West Whiteland Democratic Committee, West Whiteland knew better and endorsed the more experienced candidate with a proven track record, Ms. Kathi Cozzone.
When election day came around, the Uwchlan Democratic Committee and its cohorts did what it could to turn voters away from Ms. Cozzone. Democrat tables at Uwchlan polling places did not have Cozzone information. Democrat tables that did have Cozzone information were accused of bias and severely scolded for promoting Ms. Cazzone. Sample ballots were manipulated to remove or hide Ms. Cozzone’s name as a listed candidate. When Ms. Cazzone’s husband became understandably agitated and upset about this duplicitous conduct of her neighbors, the left-wing agents were released to attack him over social media.
Makes you kind of wonder whether the Uwchlan Democratic Committee cares about Uwchlan Township. Are the Democrats putting up as candidates the best person up for the job or only the most left-wing candidate it can find to advance national left-wing policies?
We will continue to promote that experience and accomplishments matter.

Think about it!