The data in this blog has been taken directly from the publicized 2022-23 standardized PSSA scores and is free from "misinformation/misunderstanding." We encourage voters, DASD parents and other concerned parties to issue a Right to Know Request to obtain fact-based information concerning DASD's internal handling of the test scores and communication to the public - This is your right as parents, and taxpayers.
PSSA data indicates that over 50% of DASD students are not proficient in 8th-grade math. Our students are at a very high risk of having a lifelong educational deficit.
Given the area, demographics, etc., it makes sense that DASD should be 60% proficient (non-algebra 8th-grade math) – 20-25% advanced – 10 primary, and five below basic. Root cause analysis of this drastic decline is needed.
And, how did a 30% drop in ranking to below proficient from elementary to middle occur?

Curious that DASD is still rated in the top 10 of middle schools - What does that say about the state of education?
This November 7th, the DASD School Board Director of Region 5 is up for re-election. We need a School Board Director for Region 5 to prioritize academics: reading, writing, and math and advocate for getting to the root causes of this drastic decline in math proficiency.
As you think through who to vote for to be your representative on the school board, know that the school Board Director
Voted to keep DASD students out of classrooms while surrounding school districts returned to in-person learning.
With $100 million in the school District's savings account, Caryn Ghrayeb voted to raise your school taxes first by 3% and then 3.5% this year. And, worst yet, she supports 3.5% tax increases for years to come
While Caryn Ghrayeb will defend the tax increases as "necessary" as the district has a growing student body due to rapid home developments in the community, she ignores a shocking trend: Student test scores are dropping.
Essentially, taxes are going up, and test scores are going down.
The DASD PSSA Math Test scores reveal that almost 58% of DASD students are NON-PROFICIENT in 8th-grade math.
Rephrasing the data, only 42% of DASD students at the 8th-grade level can perform basic fractions, percentages, and algebraic functions. How will our students function and manage their lives as adults, buy a car, understand a mortgage, perform at work, and run a business or a household? We're talking about basics.

Vote for someone better to represent us in DASD Region 5 who will focus on our students’ education and future success!
Our DASD Students Deserve More: A Lot More!
Links for PSSA results: